Hypoallergenic Australian Labradoodle Puppies - Our Boys


Heartland’s Buttons

Buttons Cloven Buttons Cloven Sitting 5/24/22 2

Buttons Sitting

Buttons Cloven Standing 5/24/22 6

Caramel Delight 11/12/20

Registration Number: ALAA-098115
Call Name: Buttons
Chip ID: 932-002-000-644-621

Buttons is from our amazing multi-generational  Australian lines, he an adorable small medium soft coated boy sired by Heartland’s Murphy and our gentle multi-gen small medium girl Sandcastle’s Silver Starlite :0) He lives with his guardian family in Marion, Iowa and tenderly cares for their three children. Thank you Douglas and Liz for this wonderful and very sweet boy!


Name: Heartland’s Caramel Delight, dob Nov 29, 2020 Size: Large Miniature 17″,  30 lbs.
Dame: Sandcastle’s Silver Shadow’s Silver Starlite Sire: Heartland’s Murphy
Coat: Fleece Color: Apricot
Hips: OFA  Keller Good Elbows and Patellas: Normal
PRA: Clear, CERF Normal DNA: Bbee
LABS: Normal inc. thyroid/tgAA; vWD Clear by parentage Cardiac: Normal

Fresh or chilled semen available to qualified breeders of ALAA, ALCA, WALA


Heartland’s Hawkeye


Introducing our newest multi-gen Australian Labradoodle stud to our Heartland breeding program! Hawkeye is from Hope Farm Labradoodles in North Carolina, who we helped get started over 14 years ago 🙂 He is smart, energetic yet gentle, and full of love for his guardian family in Iowa City. He produces puppies with soft coats in both chocolate and cream, having sweet temperaments and dispositions. Thank you Hope Farm for this sweet boy!


33 Hope FarmÂ’s HawkeyeSize: Small Medium, 35 lbs
Dame: Hope FarmÂ’s PepperSire: Manor Lake Ollie
Coat: Soft non-shedding Curly FleeceCoat: Chocolate CafeÂ’
Hips: PennHIP 0.39/0.42Elbows and Patellas: Normal
DNA: PRA-prcd/PRA CRD4 Clear, EIC,vWD Clear CERF NormalDNA: bbEe
HNP & Neonatal Encephalopathy Clear, DM & IC Clear Cardiac: Normal

Live cover or fresh chilled semen available to qualified breeder members of the ALAA or ALCA.

Heartland’s Caramel Delight

Caramel Delight Sitting

Registration Number: ALAA-061702
Call Name: Charlie
Chip ID: 7E10215713

Charlie is from our amazing multi-generational  Australian lines, he an adorable small medium soft coated boy sired by Morning Smile’s Unforgettable at Heartsong Labradoodles in Kentucky and our gentle multi-gen small medium girl Precious Penny :0) He lives with his guardian family in Bettendorf and tenderly cares for their two Teen aged boys. Thank you Bonnie for this wonderful and very sweet boy!


Name: Heartland’s Caramel Delight, dob July 12, 2017 Size: Large Miniature 17″,  30 lbs.
Dame: Heartland’s Precious Penny Sire: Morning Smile Unforgettable
Coat: Fleece Color: Apricot/Red
Hips: OFA  Keller Good Elbows and Patellas: Normal
PRA: Clear, CERF Normal DNA: Bbee
LABS: Normal inc. thyroid/tgAA; vWD Clear by parentage Cardiac: Normal

Fresh or chilled semen available to qualified breeders of ALAA, ALCA, WALA

Aus’m Labradoodles Aus’m Ozzie

Registration Number
: ALAA-059266  

Chip ID: 933000120107631

Call Name: Ozzie

Ozzie is from our friends at Aus’m Labradoodles in North Carolina! This wonderful boy is from multi-generational  Australian lines that focus on therapy temperaments and they do very well as service dogs for their families. He loves sharing his adorable personality and companionship with his family in Iowa City. Thank you Jennifer and Matt for this smart and loving boy!


Name: Aus’m Ozzie, dob April 07, 2017Size: Standard 22″, 55 lbs.
Dame: Aus’m MollySire: Lewis Manor’s Arthur Fonzarelli
Coat: Curly FleeceColor: Choc/Parchment
Hips: OFA Wallace ExcellentElbows and Patellas: Normal
PRA: Clear, CERF NormalDNA: bbEe, carries for Cream
LABS: Normal inc. thyroid/tgAA; vWD Clear by parentageCardiac: Normal

Frozen semen available to qualified breeder members of the ALAA, ALCA, WALA



Name: Heartland’s Beauregard, dob Sept 14, 2014Size: Standard 22″, 52 lbs.
Dame: Acadian’s Silky MaeSire: Heartland’s Red Cajun
Coat: Curly FleeceColor: Choc/Parchment
Hips: OFA Wallace Excellent, OFA Keller GoodElbows and Patellas: Normal
PRA: Clear, CERF NormalDNA: bbEE
LABS: Normal inc. thyroid/tgAA; vWD Clear by parentageCardiac: Normal

    Heartland’s Romeo’s Lil Laddie

LADDIE at 7 months with toy, taken 3-6-14_1

Registration Number: ALAA-034188

Call Name: Laddie

Lil’ Laddie is from coveted multi-generational true Australian lines! He is an adoring and playful companion that only wants to please you 🙂 A big thank you to Heather at Burnbrae Australian Labradoodles in SW Scotland for sharing her special stud with us! Laddie loves his huge yard and enjoys cuddling and spending time going on field trips and other activities with his loving family near Cedar Rapids, IA.

LADDIE at 10 months May 2014


Name: Lil’ Laddie, dob July 28th, 2013Size: Large mini 28 lbs.
Dame: QC Labradoodles FlowerSire: Toradalriada’s Lil Romeo
Coat: Curly FleeceColor: Caramel
Hips: Excellent, OFA Prelim Dr. Wallace, OFA Good Dr. Keller PH 50th %tileElbows and Patellas: Normal
PRA: Clear, CERF NormalDNA: bbee
LABS: Normal inc. thyroid/tgAA; vWD Clear by parentageCardiac: Normal

Heartland’s Red Cajun at 9 months.

Red Cajun - Chocolate Labradoodle

Registration Number:  ALAA-032771

Call Name:  Cajun

Cajun is a sweet, happy, and intuitive boy out of our very own medium sized girl Molly Brown, working for his guardian family as a seizure alert dog for their son!

He is a quick learner with a lovely disposition and therapy temperament, and is so very dedicated to his loving family in Oskaloosa, IA 🙂


Name: Heartland’s Red Cajun, dob Aug. 7th, 2012Size: Standard 23″, 55 lbs.
Dame: Heartland’s Molly BrownSire: Acadian Blue’s Red Bayou
Coat: FleeceColor: Chocolate
Hips: Excellent, OFA PrelimElbows and Patellas: Normal
PRA: Clear, CERF NormalDNA: bbEE
LABS: Normal inc. thyroid/tgAA; vWD Clear by parentageCardiac: Normal

Frozen available to qualified multi-gen ALD breeder members of the ALAA, ALCA, WALA!

Acadian Blue’s Red Bayou

Acadian Red Collar, happy boy!a 6-10-11_1

Registration Number: ALAA-022825

Call Name: Big Red

Red Bayou is from awesome multi-generational  Australian lines, he is a gentle companion that looks into your soul with his adoring eyes 🙂 Many thanks to Maxine at Acadian Labradoodles in Louisiana!

Now that he is retired Red loves to romp in his big back yard and chase deer, and is ever so fond of Barb and Nick’s family in West Des Moines, IA.


Name: Acadian Blue’s Red Bayou, dob Jan.20th, 2011Size: Standard 24″, 60 lbs.
Dame: Tegan Park AbigailSire: Washington Blue Boy
Coat: FleeceColor: Choc/Parchment
Hips: Excellent, OFA PrelimElbows and Patellas: Normal
PRA: Carrier, CERF NormalDNA: bbEE
LABS: Normal inc. thyroid/tgAA; vWD Clear by parentageCardiac: Normal

Frozen semen available to qualified breeder members of the ALAA, ALCA, WALA

Talaki Ridge Luis

Registration Number: ALAA-021809 Call Name: Luis

Say “Hello” to our lovely cream Australian multi-generational stud muffin Luis! At 14 months he was the sire of Crystal’s first litter. We have been very pleased with the offspring of this wonderful, new therapy line from Cynthia at Talaki Ridge in California 🙂 Luis has a great home with Todd and Deb’s family, and is their constant companion in Des Moines, IA.  Now that he is retired, he enjoys camping and family road trips!

Name: Talaki Ridge Luis, dob June 14, 2010Size: Small standard 21″
Dame: Killara Ridge PeleSire: Country n’ Rutland’s Troubador
Coat: Curly FleeceColor: Cream
Hips: Excellent, OFA PrelimElbows and Patellas: Normal
PRA: Carrier, CERF NormalDNA: bbee
LABS: Normal, including Thyroid/TgAA; vWD Clear by parentageCardiac: Normal

Weaver of Dreams

Heartland's Weaver of Dreams, born 4-12-10_1

Registration Number:  ALAA-020036

Call Name:  Weaver

Introducing our very own Heartland stud!  Weaver is a beautiful curly fleece coated chocolate boy with a sweet and gentle nature.  He is retired and has a loving family now in Urbandale, IA. that will spoil him as he should be 🙂

Name: Weaver of Dreams, dob 4-14-10Size: Standard 22/23″
Dame: Heartland’s CharismataSire: Tegan Park Phoenix
Coat: Curly FleeceColor: Chocolate
Hips: Excellent, OFA PrelimElbows and Patellas: Normal
PRA: Clear, CERF NormalDNA: bbEe
LABS: Normal, including Thyroid/TgAA; vWD Clear by parentageCardiac: Normal

Tennessee Rocky Top
Registration Number:  ALAA-018826  Call Name:  Rocky

Say “Hello” to our red stud muffin, Rocky.  We are so excited to have this amazing boy in our breeding program!!!  He has been a welcome addition that has enhanced our authentic Australian red lines, siring several lovely girls to move our lines forward with 🙂  Now retired, he lives with his former guardian family and enjoys being a running companion to Sherrill  in Iowa City, IA.

Name: Tennessee Rocky Top, dob 11-5-08Size: Large Medium 20″
Dame: US Labradoodle’s Redd Jewell RubySire: US Labradoodle’s Dakota
Coat: Soft woolColor: Red
Hips: Excellent, OFA PrelimElbows and Patellas: Normal
PRA: Clear, CERF NormalDNA: Bbee
LABS: Normal, including Thyroid/TgAA; vWD Clear by parentageCardiac: Normal

Tegan Park’s Phoenix


Registration Number:  ALAA-003216

Call Name:  Phoenix

Phoenix is amazing!  He is so very soft, cuddly and he walks with a spring in his step! He is very mellow and well behaved for a stud boy. He has had much to offer our breeding program, coming all the way from Australia! He is spending his well-deserved retirement with his loving forever family in Maryland.

Name: Tegan Park PhoenixSize: Medium 20″
Dame: Tegan Park Irish SunsetSire: Tegan Park Shazam
Coat: Soft Wool (Feels like a curly fleece)Color: Chocolate
Hips: BVA 12Elbows and Patellas: Normal
PRA: Clear, CERF Normal 2009DNA: bbEe
LABS: NormalCardiac: Normal

Tegan’s Scarlet Willie

Willie @ 8 mo Heartland 11-05-07

Registration Number:  ALAA-010617

Call Name:  Willie

Willie is a gentle cutie and a good size for your lap 🙂  He is a lover and a gentleman, and offers sweet puppy kisses!  He has been a welcome addition to our breeding program from Tegan Park in Australian and produced many lovely puppies. He is now retired with our son’s family, enjoying his youth and entertaining them with his silly antics!

Name: Tegan’s Scarlet Willie dob March 5, 2007Size: A3 Miniature 15″
Dame: Tegan Park ScarletSire: Tegan’s Scarlet Willie
Coat: Soft fleeceColor: Apricot Creme
Hips: Final OFA Good/FairElbows and Patellas: Normal
PRA: ClearCERF Normal
Labs: Normal including thyroid and TGAACardiac: Normal
